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Our Products | Dried Moringa Leaves

Dried Moringa Leaves

Available in powder and flakes forms.

We are a manufacturer of dehydrated moringa leaves that are available in powder and flakes form. Moringa leaves are indeed rich in various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also contain anti-inflammatory compounds that may help with several health conditions. Adding moringa powder to your diet can be an excellent way to boost your nutrient intake and support your immune system.

In addition to the health benefits, moringa powder also has a pleasant taste that makes it a versatile ingredient in various recipes. Sprinkling it onto salads or blending it into smoothies can be an easy way to incorporate it into your meals.

Using moringa powder can be a great way to add nutrition and flavor to your meals while also reaping the health benefits of this superfood.


1) Moringa leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, and Folate.

2) They are also rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc & Amino acids.

3) It Helps in Fighting against Bacteria.

4) It can Increase Blood Antioxidant Levels & Lower Blood Sugar Levels.

5) Moringa leaves are rich sources of calcium and phosphorus. Both of these elements are needed for good bone health.

6) It may Support Kidney Function.

7) Moringa leaves are natural cleansers and help to detoxify the system. Increases immunity against various infections & increases the energy levels in the body.

8) Due to an abundance of antioxidants and nutrients, moringa leaves improve the health and appearance of skin and hair.

9) Inflammation is how a body naturally responds to pain and injury. Moringa leaves are anti-inflammatory in nature due to the presence of isothiocyanates.

10) Cholesterol is the major reason people suffer from heart diseases, and eating moringa leaves has shown considerable improvement against high cholesterol levels.

11) Those who have tuberculosis can benefit greatly from moringa leaves as they reduce the negative effects of anti-tubercular drugs.

12) The leaves have a high concentration of polyphenols that protect against oxidative damage to the liver and may even reduce it.

13) Moringa leaves are beneficial against digestive disorders. Those who suffer from constipation, bloating, gas, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis should add Moringa leaves to their diet.

14) Moringa leaves are antiseptic and fight off many bacterial infections. They are even beneficial towards wound healing and help to heal bruises, minor cuts, and burns quickly as they reduce the clotting time.

15) Moringa leaves increase fat burning in the body. They slim down the person without depleting energy reserves.